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English information

Køge Gymnasium is a 6th form college, among the ten biggest schools in the country, located in the Medieval town of Køge, 40 km south of Copenhagen. Currently, approx. 1100 students attend the school, which offers two upper secondary school programmes, a 3-year degree and a 2-year degree. Both certificates qualify the students for further studies at university, etc.

Partner schools & Exchange programs:

Køge Gymnasium is a locally based school with an international perspective. In all aspects of our teaching, there is a strong focus on global issues and challenges. Students at Køge Gymnasium are given the opportunity to visit one of our partner schools and stay with a local host family. Spending time at a school abroad and living with a family is a unique chance to experience a different culture, improve foreign language skills and reflect upon one’s own living conditions.

We have partner schools around the world. These schools include:

  • Argentina: Esculea Superior de Comercio Libertador General San Martín, Rosario
  • France: Lycée Sainte Thécle, Clermont Ferrand
  • Germany: Babelsberger Filmgymnasium, Potsdam
  • India: Ahlcon International School, Delhi
  • Italy: Liceo Mazzini, La Spezia
  • Norway: Malakoff videregående skole, Moss
  • Norway: Teigar Ungdomsskole, Teigar
  • Slovenia: JVIZ I. OS Rogaska Slatina
  • Turkey: Ankara University
  • USA: Spearfish High School, Spearfish

Contact information

Telephone: 0045 56 65 27 23
Address: Køge Gymnasium, Gymnasievej 4, 4600 Køge, Denmark
E-mail: kggym@kggym.dk
CVR: 29554064
EANNR: 579 800 055 7642

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